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How to Add/Delete Images In a Listing?
How to Add/Delete Images In a Listing?

The images of your listing are important, learn how to keep them up to date!

Victor avatar
Written by Victor
Updated over a week ago

Read below to learn how to add and/or delete images from your listing. 

How to Delete images from your listing

  1. Go to your Listings page.

  2. Click "EDIT" on a live listing of your choice or on " + CREATE NEW LISTING" for a new listing.

  3. Click on the image(s) you want to delete.

  4. Click on the Delete button in the top right corner of the Photos section. 

How to Add images to your listings

Upload image from Computer

  1. Click on the Upload Images button.

  2. Select the image you want to add.

  3.  If you want to select multiple images, hold the CTRL button on your keyboard and select the additional images you want to add.

  4. Click on the Open button.

  5. You will see the image(s) loading in a new window in the bottom right corner and then a a check mark to show you that the image successfully loaded. 

Note: By default, the images you have on your listing will also show up on your template’s gallery, if you wish to have unique images appear on your template -- click on the item description photos and select upload item description photos to upload your unique images.

Add image by URL

  1. Click on the arrow beside the Upload Images button.

   2. Click on URL.
3. Paste the URL on the green line.
   4. You can add multiple images by URL at once by clicking on the Add Image URL button which will open up more space to add more links/images. Once you are done, click on the Upload Images button in the bottom right corner.
    5. You will see the image(s) loading in a new window in the bottom right corner and then a a check mark to show you that the image successfully loaded. 

Now you've learnt how to add and remove images from your eBay listing! This is a very important piece of information to know when it comes to updating and revising your listings so that they'll be always looking great and up to date!

If you have any more questions, you can search our Help Center or, click on the chat tool in the bottom right corner and we'll be happy to help!

tags: add image, remove image, delete image, add image to listing, delete image from listing, edit listing, edit images, edit images in listing, upload images, change images, change photos, edit photos, add photos, delete photos

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