Photos are an important part of every product, so let's have a look at how you can manage the photos in the Products Catalog!
Let's get started
In the Products Catalog page, locate the product that you wish to manage, and enter the Edit Product page by clicking on the product's title or sku.
Next, click on the "Product photos" tab to expand it:
Adding photos
There are two ways to add new photos:
Uploading directly from your computer
Uploading via image url
โTo add photos from your computer, click on the "UPLOAD PHOTOS" button and pick the file:
โTo add photos via image url, you can click the arrow beside the "UPLOAD PHOTOS" button. In the dialogue that appears, enter the image URL address and then click on the green "UPLOAD IMAGES" button at the bottom right corner:
Removing photos
To remove photos, hover on the image and click the checkmark at the photo's top left corner, and then click on the red "DELETE" button at the top right:
Rearranging photos
To rearrange the position of the photos (and set the Main photo), simply click and hold, and drag the image into a different position:
Saving the changes
Once you are happy with the changes, click on the green "SAVE PRODUCT" button at the bottom right corner of the page:ย
If you have any more questions, you can search our Help Center or, click on the chat tool in the bottom right corner and we'll be happy to help!
tags: products catalog, catalog, manage photos, add photos, remove photos, change photos, edit photos, add images, remove images, change images, edit images, replace images, new images, new photos, product photos, product images, upload