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What is the Attributes page?

Learn to create your own product attributes in the Attributes Management page

Din Waismark avatar
Written by Din Waismark
Updated over 5 years ago

When you create, manage and publish products from the Products Catalog, you work with product attributes to input your data. While many basic attributes are available by default, every seller is unique and it may be that you work with additional attributes.

This is where Attributes Management comes in - here you can set up your own custom attributes to match your exact needs and ease your work process.

How you ask?

  • Create additional product attributes to map additional data during CSV uploads, beyond the default columns of the preset template.

  • Having all information prepared in advance (when creating the products) will speed up the publish set-up process (when listing to channels).

  • Create new attributes to track internal information for each product (eg. Item location in the warehouse, wholesale cost, etc).

โ€‹Ready to get started?
Continue reading below! ๐Ÿ‘‡


Where is the Attributes Management page?

  1. Click on the menu icon (โ‰ก) at the top-left corner of the CrazyLister dashboard

  2. Next, click on "Products" to see a menu with more options

  3. Finally, click on "Attributes" to open the Attributes Management page



Creating attributes

  1. Click on the green "+NEW ATTRIBUTE" button

  2. Enter an attribute Name and select the Data Type*

  3. Click "CREATE"

*There are two data types that you can choose from and it's important to select the correct one:

  • Simple Select is used for attributes with set values that often repeat across products. An attribute with the select type will provide you with a drop-down menu displaying all previously entered values. [Eg. Inseam, Wash, Screen Resolution, Length, Width, Height, etc.]

  • Text is used for attributes that contain completely unique information for each product. This will be a general text field. [Eg. Subtitle, Additional Note, etc.]

Note: We will soon be adding another data type option for number values. If you are interested in seeing other data types available in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Note: There is a limit of the number of attributes that can be set up. You can create up to 100 custom attributes.

Selecting the attribute group

After creating a new attribute, you want to select where the attribute should appear in the product's Edit page. This is an important step as it would make it easier for you to find the field when you edit or review products.

  1. Click on the corresponding field under the "Attribute Group" column

  2. Select your preference in the drop-down menu that appears

  3. Click "APPLY" to save your selection

The new custom attributes you create will automatically appear on the "Edit Product" page when you create or revise products, as well as in the Mapping page for CSV imports.


If you have any more questions, you can search our Help Center or, click on the chat tool in the bottom right corner and we'll be happy to help!

tags: product attributes, custom attributes, products, attributes page, attributes, product attribute, attribute, create, manage, edit, revise, delete, where is the attributes page, csv upload, custom product attributes

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