When you want to edit the description of your listing, make sure you do so in CrazyLister and not in eBay! If you make your changes in eBay, the changes will not be reflected on the listing when you apply the template.
So how do I change the description in CrazyLister?
You can either go into the "Edit" page of the specific listing, or you can do it directly from the main Listings page. In this article we will cover the latter, which is much quicker and more efficient when you do not need to edit other listing information.
Let's get started!
Here is how you can edit your description within CrazyLister:
Go to your Listings page in CrazyLister, hover your mouse over the listing you want to edit, and click on the 'actions icon' ( ⋮ ) on the right side -
2. In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Edit Description -
3. Now you can edit your Product Description and/or Product Title. Once finished, click "Save Changes" -
Q: There is extra text in my description that I don't want. How do I get rid of it?
A: When a template is applied to your listing, all the text in the listing (including shipping/payment/returns etc.) auto-populates the description placeholder in addition to the description from your listing. This is the extra text you are seeing. But we have a solution for this! Click here to learn how to use the Description Cleaner.
If you have any more questions, you can search our Help Center or, click on the chat tool in the bottom right corner and we'll be happy to help!
tags: edit description, description, edit title, template description, template title, product description, product title, review description, old description, description changes, edited description, revise description, edit descriptions